Donor Spotlight
Mr. Ash’s life was characterized by selfless giving back in order to leave a lasting legacy. Through his generosity, the Foundation has established an endowed scholarship program that expands opportunities to seniors pursuing both academic and vocational educational goals.
- Grady Ash
Together with her husband David P. Dean, they were contributors to many colleges and schools through scholarships during their lifetime. Although not having any children of their own, they were instrumental in the lives of many young people through helping them get an education.
- Ruby Boren Dean
After serving in the Army Air Corp, Mr. Richardson earned his mechanical engineering degree and spent his career at Gulf Oil. He later on taught in the engineering department at Kilgore College. For decades he and his wife, Reube Gene Shaw, generously provided academic scholarships.
- Charles Richardson
James H. Hale served as the first donor to establish an endowment with the Henderson ISD Education Foundation in 1998, which led to the Hale Family Scholarship program that continues today. Mr. Hale’s roots were in East Texas, particularly in Henderson.
- James H. Hale