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"The Tradition of Excellence Continues," the motto of Henderson Independent School District, can be directly attributed to the quality of our employees. HISD employs approximately 500 of the very finest people in the East Texas area, and we strive to ensure that all of our employees will enjoy their working environment. We consider all of our employees “educators.” Students at Henderson ISD are impacted all day long by every educator that they come in contact with, whether it is the bus drivers that pick them up and take them home, the food service employees who prepare and serve their meals, the custodians and groundskeepers who keep the campuses clean and tidy, the maintenance personnel who make certain that everything is in working order, the secretaries and clerical assistants who take care of business, the nurses who help keep them well, the teaching aides that provide assistance in the classrooms, the technology "computer gurus" who take care of our technology needs, the substitute teachers and aides who fill in at a moment’s notice; and, of course, the librarians, the teachers, the campus administrators and the district administrators – all of these special people "touch the lives of children" every day!

If you would like to apply to become an integral part of the "Tradition of Excellence," please complete an employment application online; or, you may contact Crystal Reed, HR Secretary, at creed@hendersonisd.org or (903) 655 - 5046.